Online Donations

Click on Donate NOW to send a donation. Thank you!

Those wishing to make a donation, may continue to send it directly by mail to the church, or dropped off at the Church on the days when our secretary is there (Tuesday to Friday between 9:00 AM till 2:00 PM), or left in our mailbox located at the front of the Church.

Parish giving is being offered to you free of charge, however Good Shepherd Church will incur a service charge for every transaction made through Canada Helps Organization. This payment option via credit card or PayPal can be made through the following link This option has been created for those who find it convenient to donate online. A tax receipt will be issued directly to you by Canada Helps.

The following is an overview of some of the features available through them:

· Ability to make one-time contributions

· Ability to make recurring contributions

· Ability to select your billing date

· Ability to use Credit Card or PAYPAL

· Ability to access end of year contribution reports.

Please indicate your respective envelope number and the nature of your contribution in the corresponding box. Example: (Envelope # Building Maintenance Fund, Parish Expenses, etc.)

We appreciate and thank you in advance for your continued generous support. God bless you!