The Fabrique is an ecclesiastical corporation that exists under the Fabrique Act passed on January 1, 1966. It consists of a President mandated by the Bishop of the Diocese of St-Jean-Longueuil and six Wardens elected by the parishioners. The legal requirements for a warden are that he or she must be a resident of the Brossard parish community, of good standing in the community and is at least eighteen years of age.
The main objective of the Fabrique is to acquire, possess, hold and administer property for the practice of the Roman Catholic religion in the parish for which it is constituted. As it is also responsible for the financial aspects of the parish, the Fabrique ensures that the necessary resources are available to the various pastoral ministries so that these can fulfill their individual objectives or missions. As such, they work very closely with the Pastor, with the different parish committees particularly with the Parish Orientation Council (POC). For the reason of ensuring the highest quality of pastoral services in the parish, they must understand and help others understand the need to contribute financially to the various programs in which the Church is involved.
Fr. Manus Bradley (Pastor) polbradley@aol.com
Seny Lopez senyll9@hotmail.com
Vice Chairperson
Sharon James sharonjames13@yahoo.co.in
Sharon James (2025) sharonjames13@yahoo.co.in
Nieves Puri (2027) nievespuri9@gmail.com
Jasmine Cozier (2025) augcozier@gmail.com
Lyn Abcede (2026) lynlimabcede@gmail.com
Bernardo Oabel (2027)